Thursday, April 26, 2007

flooded somewhere in my papers

I left blogging in my last exams. Actually last exam gave too much “WELLAPAN” to me that I didn’t get time to blog in this semester… I mean I was not writing …

Well nothing to hide nothing to show is my condition today…

Once again exams are knocking my door, in which some are “my previous semester KE PAAP”. And few are brand new to cram. Engineering is too much fun, I have noticed this thing in my classroom, in my exams, in my practical, in short every where. That’s why my senior named it “holiday of 4 years”.

Like last semester, I am once again in trouble with books, and as usual I have to cram much more than whatever I can cram. Life is lost somewhere between pages and pens and don’t know where … but I am enjoying this phase of my life. In short if you want to see life in its full joy, come to any engineering college and have fun till last semester.

Will be back after some time … of course to write something crap over here …

Crap is the only thing which I can write properly…

Hare Krishna

Ashish Dixit

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