Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Day before important oral exam.

Once again I am going to face one important oral on tomorrow, and the situation is very horrible here because of interfere of our respected HOD. Now he is taking oral of students, and as usual students are biting their nails because of tension and all. Even some have loose their hairs because of this tension. Ok last part is happened with me only...
But really condition is very horrible here. Just have a look on my desktop before this important exam.

All the OS related notes were on my desktop, with having mummy’s and my pic in the background. The mummy part is to make me force to open all these files. :) . I haven’t opened any internet page today; of course I didn’t have the time to do that. Actually revising 17+ chapters is a big deal. Now one can moot on this blog. Well buddies after spending some romantic (ok unromantic sounds better) with books, I want to express my self, actually I need some one to chat, and I think blogging is the best thing which one human can do. And I am trying the same thing. Kher after spending so much of horrible time in this department, this is making me giggling this time. I mean why all are worrying and giving too much of strain to their pumping machine, there is no need to worry about if you have prepared enough. If not, then it is your fault only, because no one from the college came and point gun on your head to stop studies your moti moti books. Achya ji, after sharing so much of gyan here , I need some thing to put in my brain hmm to be very clear let begin with tummy first means I am hungry. And thanks for all the good luck messages (I know senders are not reading this, and those who are reading this are not sending any).

Chalo once again its leaving time for me, keep mailing me on my mail id or if you can sms me , it’s a better option to do. Chalo ji take care


Anonymous said...

does anyone think porn is the only business still thriving during the credit cruch? I think many folks seek refuge in buying and wanking porn during the crunch

Anonymous said...

Any idea how credit crunch affected porn?