Thursday, August 23, 2007

Just another holiday.. :( or :)

Yesterday I just realized that we people have paid money for holidays. No I mean we are now getting holidays in bulk. Sometime 4 days a week, sometime it is 5 days week :O . We are as helpless as our teachers. They are unable to provide teachers; we are unable to provide strength of student to them.

This is a beauty of final year of any college, you don’t have to worry about classes but you have to about gaps between classes.

Now see the scenario, we people have holiday on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday (these are official one from college). I know many of you have started scratching your heads, and even some of you might have planned to kill me because if this bakar. But I am helpless, because I saw extremity of these holiday thing…

I was too much bore that I went to near by hill (famously known as Jain temple). Did photography, enjoy the silence of nature for more than 3 hours and finally when mosquitoes started to enjoy drinking my blood. I came back from there.

Even on regular days, there is no guarantee for classes, as we people have mastered to bunk ( :O ) don’t be shocked, bunk is an integral part of class life. Hehe

It is not only happening with our college student but also with so many others, one of my friend is in journalism, she is also in a mood of complaining such thing of holiday. My sister who is also in a journalism final year also enjoys 90% of time at home.

After being bored from such things, I have decided to bore you people with my utter bakwas.

Notice : if you people are religious and have no panga with lord, then please start praying for me . as our university may show result today. Thank you in advance.

these are few images which i tried to capture using my 1.3 MP camera( i have motorola V3i)

god is trying to fill colors , but we the people on this earth are trying to make thing black.
and its me to show some "tashan"
gods ji is searching something using his torch.. dekho kaise light mar rahe hai

i wish i could fly like this bird in open sky, with no tension, no griefs in my mind.
finally its me once again with by buddy ritesh in fultoo masti mood.


Vinay said...

Hey there are certain colleges out here in Tamilnadu where we have no teachers in second years itself. Happy to see it happens all over India. We're not alone...BTW Nice photos.

the do- dreamer said...

ha!...yeah, u're right bout final yr being holidays wala yr in most cllgs, but not in the case of us 'medical waalas'.final yr means hectic schedules & once internship starts u've had it!! my final yr's startin in a week, & i'm not lookin frwrd to it!! newayz, thnx 4 goin through my blog & likin my scribblings! keep visiting!
& yeah, all the best 4 ur result!