Thursday, June 14, 2007

boring snoring afternoons

exams days are best for us engineers (ok, for engineering students)... atleast we have something to do.. something.. which i am not getting after my MAHABHARTA kind of exams...

like any indian leaders i have two words for these afternoons...

its boring yaar.

even i am not getting time for updating this blog :P ...

well, may be after 21st i will fill all the pages with my craps, till then bye


'Mom'BA said...

haha..wish u get somethin nice to spend ur time on soon..:P

X said...

yeah man,
mebbe you can blog a lot more!
datll be cool!

What's In A Name ? said...

Liked the feel of ur blog.

Anonymous said...

hope to see more posts here!

btw, came here thru bloggers@orkut!

Have fun!