Munna Bhai (B.E.)
Some people are very clever and well in our country and the director of munnabhai series is also in that list, I know he will forgive me to use his name in this blog.
Well why munnabhai???
Actually it’s a good question for everyone who knows me here in campus or outside the campus…
To all you “gyan ke bhikari” log, I cheated in very unique way in past few practical. (I hope my the people from IT companies are not reading this, else they will kick me out on very first day of my career). Ha to hum kaha the, ha to mitrgano, I cheated in very unique way in past practical exams.

I was very very busy from 30th of October in my exams, gave 7 exams (3 orals and 4 practical exams), now 1st one was data structure and files, I some how cleared with my hinglish in front of external teacher.
Then on my 2nd oral of operating system, my HOD took my oral, and as usual I was unable to answer that PHD guy. He asked very basic questions from UNIX operating system, which was as alien for me as idli sambhar for Osama Bin laden. But I some how answered 2-3 questions and left decision on his hand to pass me or flunk me.

Then 3rd practical was of COBOL, and I was well prepared for it (but only for mini projects, as I thought they people will never ever give any basic program to me) , now see my luck, I got program on factorial and Fibonacci series.( hmm its easy one , you programmers) but I once again I was unable to make those easy programs. So I SMSed my friend ashish Pateria for the solution and he, a person with lots of gold in his heart ( plz don’t kill him for gold) messaged me immediately with solution, and I cleared this exam.
I am not going to write anything about 4th practical, people are self intelligent , they can conclude it by your own( ok hint is , I flunked in this :( )
Now the 5th one, hmm, for the first time in my 5th semester I prepared very hard for any subject but in last during the time of oral, I forgot almost each and every basic thing. I don’t how it happened, but the result was very horrible. And it look a complete disaster when your external remarked like this “ kyu dixit ji , padh kar nahi aaye the kya “ and my sweet sa answer to him was “ sir , jitna padha tha utna reply kar dia” then he asked my roll no. and entered some figures on his list which is going to play a vital role in my mark sheet.

I couldn’t forget the experience of this practical in my entire life, this practical turn out to be nightmare for maximum of students of my department; actually our college took “panga” with students and changes the pattern of practical exam. Till last year they were giving mini projects on VB to students in practical exams, and every student was prepared as accordingly, but this time some thing was wrong in our department, and they changed the entire pattern of exam. They gave SQL queries to solve, and we people were like “ kala akshar bhes brabar “ in this . and to make condition hell , my term was on the 3rd day of the practical, now they were doing more and more experiments, and as accordingly to pattern , I was prepared enough for SQL but not for VB’s mini project. And you know some thing is wrong happened in my account of luck, I got VB project in exam. Clap clap clap .
Now the situation is once again disaster for me, once again I used my mobile handset and airtel connection to send one SOS SMS to my friend Shwetabh about the queries, and you people should know, if Pateria has gold in heart, then this guy has tons of Platinum in his heart. Some how I managed to complete my project but in the last some thing wrong happened with the connectivity of project with oracle, and teacher just remarked “project complete, table not entered” let see am I going to flunk or pass?
Now the 7th one, Hehehe
This was really the tough one and completely anonymous for me , I some how managed to do few programs by my own before exams, even you people will start laughing my condition before this exam, I left the hope and emailed all the programs on my email account. You can’t imagine I was watching movies the night before this exam till 4:30 am.
Now as I opened the slip of question in exam centre, I was just about to do “bhangra “in front of everyone, but left this part for my room. Because the program was easy .and I did it with “nanhi muni” si help from my mobile GPRS service. Hehehe
And I think you people have got the reason, why am I calling my self MUNNABHAI?
PS: - if you think watching Himesh Reshmia in his own video is worst part of life , then please time to change your view, no no he hasn’t changed his tyle yet , but some thing more horrible in the line… yes a movie named “Apna Sapna money money”.
A worst movie I have encountered ever.
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